GitHub Game of Life

Replace all contribution graphs on GitHub with Conway's Game of Life using this simple Chrome Extension or bookmarklet.

The GitHub contributions graph, a public reminder that you might not be working as hard as you should! Now you can replace all contribution graphs on GitHub with Conway's Game of Life, using your contributions as the seed.

Want to watch again?

Refresh the page or view the video on YouTube instead.

View on YouTube


Browser Extension

Available as a Chrome Extension, simply install this extension to run Conway's Game of Life on all GitHub contribution graphs.

Download from Chrome Web Store


If you don't want to install the extension you can use a bookmarklet instead.

Simply drag the button below to your bookmarks bar and click it any time you want to run Conway's Game of Life on a GitHub page containing a contribution graph.

Game of Life Bookmarklet



- Support for GitHub's dark mode.


- All the changes.

Known Issues

- The extension won't trigger if the profile URL has a trailing slash, as the extension has been deliberately been restricted as to which URLs it will function on.

- The extension won't trigger if you navigate to a contribution graph via any tabs on a profile page. Refreshing the page will trigger the extension in this scenario.


Send me an email via [email protected] or you can find me on Twitter at @defaced.

Follow @defaced

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