Doom Scroller

doom-scroller.js - The only JavaScript library to help you avoid endlessly doomscrolling.

Don't scroll to your Doom!

Click the button below to open the Doom Scroller on this page.

Video not playing properly?

View the video on YouTube instead.

View on YouTube




Simply add the following script anywhere on your website and the Doom Scroller will automatically launch with the default settings.

<script defer src="//" integrity="sha384-ggTTtGPMZaxjrSseHEq7lVpu3iAvouUs3poW0WkSQkPfj7jTlwKn/kkQNCUv9SRf" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


To stop it from loading automatically the following example demonstrates how to trigger the Doom Scroller with a simple button click.

    /* Doom Scroller 1.0 - Optional Settings */
    window.doomScroller = window.doomScroller || []
    doomScroller.autoStart = false
<script defer src="//" integrity="sha384-ggTTtGPMZaxjrSseHEq7lVpu3iAvouUs3poW0WkSQkPfj7jTlwKn/kkQNCUv9SRf" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<button onclick="doomScroller.start()">Open Doom Scroller</button>


To use the Doom Scroller on almost* any website, simply drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar, and click it on any website to enable the Doom Scroller.

Doom Scroller Bookmarklet

* Unfortunately due to the Content Security Policy on some websites it's not possible to use the bookmarklet everywhere, such as Twitter and Facebook.

To use the bookmarklet on those sites you'll need to deactivate CSP via an extension (Chrome), or in the flags (Firefox). I don't recommend doing this unless you know what you're doing as it will weaken the security of your browser.

Browser Extension

Now available as a Chrome browser extension. This will work on all sites, including Facebook and Twitter, and can be toggled on and off per tab.

Download from Chrome Web Store


Optional Settings

    /* Doom Scroller 1.0 - Optional Settings */
    window.doomScroller = window.doomScroller || []

    /* By default Doom Scroller will automatically start on load.
       Set 'autoStart' to false to stop this.
       Doom Scroller can be manually started with doomScroller.start()
    doomScroller.autoStart = true // Default: true

    /* The number of times the viewport needs to be scrolled completely
       before damage is taken.
    doomScroller.scrollDamage = 1 // Default: 1

    /* Toggle the logo on the game over screen.
    doomScroller.gameoverLogo = false // Default: false
<script defer src="//" integrity="sha384-ggTTtGPMZaxjrSseHEq7lVpu3iAvouUs3poW0WkSQkPfj7jTlwKn/kkQNCUv9SRf" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


If you wish to host this yourself, or fork the project, it can be found on GitHub.

View On GitHub



- Now available as a browser extension.


- All the changes.

Frequently asked questions

Why is there no sound for me?

Due to browser restrictions around auto playing media you'll need to click anywhere on the Doom HUD to enable audio.

Who was asking for this to be made?


How do I change weapon?



Doom Scroller is fully responsive, because if I didn't have enough things I already needed to spend my time on.

Doom Scroller Desktop Screeshot


Send me an email via [email protected] or you can find me on Twitter at @defaced.

Follow @defaced

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