Neutral Ads
Chrome Extension - A different way of tackling adverts in Google Search.
Automatically replace the links behind Google Ads with a direct link to the true destination stripped of any tracking code.

Available as a Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Download from Chrome Web StoreHow it works
Neutral Ads works by automatically replacing the links behind Google Ads with a direct link to the true destination stripped of any tracking code.
If the Ad has been replaced with a neutral link the Ad icon next to the link will be replaced with an Nt.
If the Ad cannot be neutrised it will be struck through and the original ad link will remain.
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Buy Me A CoffeeFrequently Asked Questions
Does it neutralise ads on Google Shopping
No, it only neturalises the standard Google Ads above and below the organic results.
Does it neutralise ads on Microsoft Ads?
No, this is specifically for Google Search.
Is this free?
Yes, the extension is free. Although if you want to support this extension and my other projects then feel free to buy me a coffee.
Catch more types of site links.
First public version.
Send me an email via [email protected] or you can find me on Twitter at @defaced.
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